Turning 17 During Quarantine…

When you haven’t worked in 6 weeks because of COVID19 restrictions and your fur baby turns 17 what else is there to do but have a birthday photo session for your cat!

I have had this cat longer than I have been with my husband.  He & I have been through so much together.  He holds onto my secrets, puts his paw on my hand when I cry, sleeps touching me with a paw all night, lets me hold him like an infant in my arms while he sleeps, runs to me when I come home, loves sharing whip cream and loves trying to escape outside to explore the yard.  He loves my kids like they are his own, tolerated all their shenanigans when they were tiny, would be the first to their nursery room door when they would cry as infants.  He truly is THE Best Cat Ever!!

We thought we were losing him 6 years ago when a vet misdiagnosed him telling us his rapid weight loss, 26 down to 5, was due to cancer and we should just keep him comfortable.  Then one day we ended up on Dr Wellings schedule and she said “Why hasn’t anyone ever checked this cats thyroid?”  Come to find out, he did not have cancer  at all.  His thyroid was  working about 4 times too fast.  So after trying and failing on some thyroid meds she referred us to MedVet in Columbus for radiation treatments.  After that he has been healthy other than the arthritis in his hips from the muscle lost during the misdiagnosis.  I am SO Thankful for that day we ended up on Dr Wellings schedule, she truly saved his life!!

Happy 17th Birthday Cheeto!!!  I hope you get to nap all day in the sun while tricking each of us into feeding you even though another of us already has!

Olivia ~ 9 Days New

On Monday I talked about incorporating things important to seniors in their sessions,  that also applies to newborn sessions.  I have had parents bring in special blankets made for baby, a memento of someone passed away, sports memorabilia or items highlighting their careers.

For Miss Olivias session we got to incorporate both Saras & Jonathans careers.  This was a super fun session and they were wonderful to work with, both were very at ease as first time parents.

Olivia was a dream baby for her photos and slept almost the entire time, rarely making a peep!

Here are some of my favorites from her session!

Did you know the best time to schedule your newborn session is when you are still pregnant?  That way you have a better availability of time slots for scheduling.  I  pencil you in around your due date then we adjust the session day according to when you deliver.  Contact me today to get penciled in for your newborn session.  agreerphotography@yahoo.com

Please subscribe to my blog to stay up to date on the life and happenings around AGP!  Stay Safe & Healthy!

Ben ~ Class of 2020

Senior sessions should be a reflection of the persons interests, hobbies and incorporate  things they love.

The perfect place for Ben’s session last August was his family farm in Ravenswood.  We got to include his dog, his truck, favorite clothes, and favorite places around the farm.

Ben was one of the most easy going seniors I have photographed and his family was so great to work with as well.  His mom drove the Gator around so I could stand up in the back since i’m a shorty, his Dad moved hay bales for me til they were in just the right spot, and his siblings helped with his dog.

Congratulations Ben!  It was so great capturing these memories for you and your family! I wish you the very best!!

You can view the full gallery here, Ben Senior 2020 but in the meantime here are some of my favorites from that day…

It is not too late to get your Class of 2020 Senior scheduled!!   Also not too early to get on the list for the Class of 2021!!   Email me at agreerphotography@yahoo.com

Please subscribe to my blog to stay up to date on the life and happenings of AGP!  Stay Safe & Healthy!

Would you like a FREE Session?

Hey  Ya’ll

With this downtime currently on my hands, I would love to find some new location options for sessions!

Think of places with tall grass or weeds lol, fields of wildflowers, deep green grassy areas, shallow creeks, & tall trees!

If you know of any places that fit those criteria please send me the directions and address to them.  If they are not owned by you, please also send the owners information to me.

If you send me a solid lead and I get that location locked for exclusive AGP use,  you will get a free session there as well as the owner of the location will receive a session.

Below are some examples of past sessions with similar locations I am interested in.


Barnette 2

Ben 2Painter 1Ramey 1Fluty 9


Please send the information to me at agreerphotography@yahoo.com.

Thanks a bunch!  I appreciate ya’ll so much!

Stay Safe & Healthy!

Are you Dr Greer’s wife?

In the beginning of getting that question I used to be hesitant to answer because I was always worried it was a patient that was not happy with a medication change or someone who did not agree with his medical opinion or something like that and I did not want the confrontation so I would hesitantly answer.

I quickly realized those weren’t ever the people posing that question, but yet the ones that wanted to tell me what a difference he had made in their life or the life of someone they loved.

I love hearing the stories of how kids ask to go see him when they don’t feel good because he has made them feel comfortable at their appointments. He makes silly jokes with them, makes balloon animals or gives them popsicles when it’s warm outside. How he gets down on their level and treats them like a person and does not talk over them.

Fun facts ~ when he applied for medical school he had all intentions of being a pediatrician but once he began his journey through medicine realized that he loved helping people of all ages so that’s when he chose the path of  Family Medicine so he could help from the littlest to the oldest. There was even a hot minute in his 3rd year of medical school that he thought he wanted to be an OB/GYN Dr, and with pressure from an attending OB physician that enjoyed working with Reg, talked him into interviewing for that path.  The interview was when I was lying in the hospital next door in labor with our son. 

I love hearing from co workers how he has made a difference in their lives by teaching or assisting them with something that has made their own work day and care of their patients a bit easier.

I really love it when little older ladies stop me in the grocery store to tell me about their latest visit with him and how some of them smile with a twinkly eye when talking about him.  It’s so cute!  

I wish that his patents, colleagues and community members could see some of the sides of Dr Greer that I see. The physician that has never stopped learning, that loves to learn and investigate the latest developments in modern medicine. He will not pass on any information unless he knows that it’s factual and believes one hundred percent in it. He worries for his patients and gets frustrated for his patients in situations that he can’t fix. Dr Greer with out any doubt cares so much about his patients and their well being and I hope in someway they all realize that.

I answer that question proudly & without hesitation. Yes, I am Dr Greer’s wife.  I will forever be proud to answer that question.

If you have any great stories or memories with him I would love to hear them and have them to pass along when he’s having a rough day.  You can comment them below or email them to me at agreerphotography@yahoo.com.

Stay Safe & Healthy! 



Cover photo by Amanda Hedgepeth Photography, Nags Head NC

Welcome the newest Mouseketeer, Brody…

Why a mouseketeer? Well when Tori found out she was expecting she wanted to incorporate her love of Disney in her announcement but the littlest Mouse Ears Hat was sold out online so we ended up with this.

Which was still an adorable way to announce but not what momma wanted. She kept checking back for the hat because we still had ideas. It never became available so I was going to the happiest place on earth in February and she hadn’t announced his name yet so I offered to pick up the hats for the boys while I was there. Can I just say how much I love and am honored to know my clients secrets!! Pregnancies, Genders, Names… it’s exciting!

Thankfully Mister Brody decided to make his arrival a week early to beat the COVID shutdown! He was my last newborn before I had to temporialy close.

Brody is just as precious as his two big brothers are. Bryson and Breckin are always such a joy to photograph and seeing them with their latest partner in crime was wonderful. You truly have no idea how hard we worked to get the photo of the 3 of them together, Breckin was not having pictures at all that day so this was ONE image out of close to 200 snapped. I would do it again in a heartbeat though because look at those little faces!!

Brody was so good for his newborn session. These are just a few of my favorites from his session. You can view his full gallery by clicking here… https://amandagreerphotographyllc.shootproof.com/gallery/11871213

I can’t wait to get back in the studio capturing all of my littlest clients!!

Stay Safe Everyone!!

Are you giving grace?…

How are you really handling this?  Like seriously, are you being honest with yourself  and your feelings right now and in the past weeks?  Or are you burying your head in the sand?

I have my good days where I feel on top of it.  Like the laundry is all caught up, kids aren’t fighting over school work or with each other, my sense of dread that my husband will contract COVID that day is not as high as most days, dinner is prepped, I organized another section of the house, positives thoughts fill my head that my business will bounce back from this, etc.

Then I have my bad days.  The days when I truly do not give a crap the laundry is an overflowing mountain, that the kids aren’t reading as much AR as I have them scheduled to do, I don’t make my bed or even have a plan for dinner.  I just want to sit and wallow in my own self pity because the world is an even scarier place right now, my business that I have sacrificed so much to grow the last 5 years is now sitting idle, and that very day, may just be the day that my husband contracts COVID at work.

I have subscribed for a while to the blog, Finding Joy and she gets really real sometimes in her messages and many days that’s what exactly what I needed to hear.  She recently wrote a blog titled Lessons from Isolation and it was as if I had it told her my thoughts and she blogged them.  Please click the link and read for yourselves too, I bet her words will speak to many of you.  Also sign up to follow her blog, she writes so many that are very relatable, especially to moms and wives.  

My biggest take aways from that days blog was in needed reminders of things I knew deep down but never wanted to give myself the grace to feel or deal with. 

Give yourself and others Grace.  It’s okay if we have bad days where we are wearing the same leggings as yesterday and dinner is a frozen meal from the deep freezer.  It’s okay if you want to sit and binge your favorite tv show and eat from your secret chocolate stash after everyone goes to bed.  It’s okay if the click list person isn’t the peppiest when you pick up your order, they may be have been yelled at by a previous customer or are worried about their own health.  Just offer a smile and tell them to have a nice day and stay safe.  It’s okay if your friends don’t return texts quickly, maybe they just do not feel like chatting that day.

What is really important in life.  Truly I think this topic will end up being a whole blog in itself at some point, but it’s shown, not just me, but everyone in the house, that we truly have everything we need right here under our own roof.  From food, be thankful for what you have in the pantry and eat it even if it is a weird meal idea.  This has been the best time to eat all those random foods you have in the back of the pantry. Clothes, be thankful you have comfy warm comfy clothes to lounge around in.  Love, be thankful that you have a warm loving safe home to be in because too many are not that fortunate.    

Hold on to that Hope, that tomorrow and each day to come, will get better.  This one is so hard for me.  I know we still have not had the worst of this horrible virus, but each morning when I’m watching the birds and squirrels out my home office window (I have hit old lady status and love watch them almost every morning), and notice how much my peony is growing and coming back to life after being eaten into the dirt by deer last fall, hope is a word that comes to mind.  That there is a smidgen of hope that things will get better and we can come back out of this “COIVD19 dirt”, stand tall and feel safe in the outside world again.

Find something to be thankful for each day.  Even if it’s something little like your coffee tastes great today or your kids put their laundry away without you asking them.  

What are you thankful for today? 

Cover photo captured by Autumn Branscome Photography in Princeton WV

Studio Easter/Spring Sessions

I had about 2 weeks of Easter studio sessions before non essential businesses in WV were forced to close our doors.  Do not worry, I will still be offering these for at least one month when I am allowed to reopen so you will not miss out on getting your little ones portrait captured in their Easter outfit they wore into your living room that day lol.

If you would like to be added to my scheduling list please send me an email at agreerphotography@yahoo.com.  I can’t wait to get back into the studio and see all my sweet littles!

Stay Home and Practice Social Distancing so I (& many others) can get back to work ASAP!!!

Can I go back to early March?

Well Hello!  Yes I am still around and I am shocked when I logged in here and saw that it really had only been a year since I last blogged!  Seriously thought it was longer than that.  If you can say something about my blog style, I am consistent with being inconsistent in blogging.  I mean I have always been told “blog for business” “if you don’t blog you won’t reach your customers” well obviously I have not been blogging and still thankfully have a steady business.  Or should say HAD a steady business until March 24th when the governor shut us down for being “non-essential.”

While truly I am loving this time at home.  I have cleaned out closets, the garage,  and sold things we no longer needed, I think we all need our busy lifestyles back.  My daughter misses her friends, school and gymnastics.  My son is missing his last 1/2 of 8th grade, he is most sad about his last season of track.  I miss watching my kids compete, I absolutely love watching them challenge themselves and seeing the pride in their smiles when they do better than they anticipate.  I miss my husband having a “normal” work week.  I miss photography.  I miss my all my AGP babies and little ones!  More on what we all miss later on another blog.  Yes I plan to do more blogging since I am caught up on editing for the first time in what seems like forever.

Can I go back to early March?  Pretty Please?  Can I go back to that facial room at His & Hers with Stephanie discussing all this Corona Virus stuff and telling her “Hey I am not going to worry until Reg worries because he literally never worries about anything unless its a stopped skyliner at Disney or an airplane ride.”  So we go on, she’s doing all her magic stuff to my face to hopefully make me look younger and well rested and we are talking about her upcoming Disney girls trip.  She shares a love for Disney just like I do, perhaps hers is possibly bigger.  She is an “Epcot Mom” and I am a “Magic Kingdom Mom.”  Don’t know what those are, look them up lol.  We were saying “Oh Disney NEVER closes, ever for hurricanes, you’ll be fine to go, just wash your hands.”  She finishes her magic, my face feels soft like a baby butt and I go back to the studio.

Disclaimer:  Her facial room is a lot more relaxing looking than this, this was just the only photo of it on hand right now since she is closed down also.  Book one with her, try it for yourself!  #beautybybatton (Stephanie Batton @ His & Hers Day Spa) 

Welp 3 hours after saying “I won’t worry til he worries” all hell broke loose!!   He calls, saying call your Dad tell him to stay home, the kids need out of school and it needs closed, you can’t take the girls out of the hotel this weekend for Alee’s birthday trip, it’s going to get bad quickly and no one is prepared.  Talk about panicking, again my husband again never worries,  so I was like “oh Crap here we go!”   For petes sake, I was at lunch a week prior with my bff and we were laughing at Corona memes and now we are buckling down and feeling the need to buy a toilet paper!

Text Stephanie like “ummm ya remember what I said this morning,  now it’s time to worry.” Call parents and tell them to stay home.  Go to the school ask about how absences will work if there is an impending pandemic coming and they don’t close.  Figure out how to pull off a great birthday weekend for your 10 year old since you shouldn’t be in public.  Stay calm on the outside because you can’t pass your fears onto your kids, but on the inside you are crumbling because of all of these unknowns.

Do you remember the time when you realized all of this was a lot more serious than you initially were thinking?

Cover photo is of my view each morning.  Don’t diss “ohhh she has a Christmas tree up!” Listen, my  big momma 12 foot is gone and packed away, this is a little pencil tree that only has my antique ornaments on it and it makes me smile.

Throwing a pic of Disney from February in here because I love it and miss is so much!  See ya real soon!

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